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How to measure cutout dimensions for wall oven

Whether you’re upgrading from an old appliance, completing a remodel, or just looking to add some extra baking and roasting capacity to your kitchen, a wall oven can offer the perfect versatile solution. Before you start shopping for wall ovens, it’s important to check the dimensions you’ll need so you get the right fit for your kitchen. 

Not sure how to get started? Our guide can help you learn more about single, double and combination wall oven dimensions, as well as cabinet sizes and more so you can choose the right size wall oven for you and your family.

Single Built in oven
Single Wall Oven

What are standard wall oven sizes?

Most standard single, double and microwave combination wall ovens are categorized as 24, 27 or 30 inches wide. These tend to be approximations with the exact measurements varying slightly depending on the model and style. The depth and height are about the same regardless of width.

Single wall oven cutout dimensions

All dimensions listed below represent the general ranges of wall oven dimensions and may not capture every wall oven available on the market today. Use these dimensions as a general guide to what may be available for your kitchen and always consult the manufacturer's recommended cutout dimensions before purchasing a model.

30-inch wall ovens:

  • Cutout Height: 27¼ - 28 inches tall 

  • Cutout Width: 28½ - 28⅝ inches wide

  • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 23½ - 24 inches deep

  • Cabinet Size: approximately 33 inches wide

27-inch wall ovens:

  • Cutout Height: 27⅝ - 28 inches tall 

  • Cutout Width: 25¼ - 25½ inches wide

  • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 23½ - 24 inches deep

  • Cabinet Size: approximately 30 inches wide

24-inch wall ovens:

  • Cutout Height: 27½ - 27¾ inches tall, but some more compact wall oven models can require as little as 23¼ inch height clearance

  • Cutout Width: 22-1/16 - 22⅝ inches wide

  • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 22¼ - 23½ inches deep

  • Cabinet Size: approximately 27 inches wide

    Double built in oven
    Double Wall Oven

    Double wall oven cutout dimensions

    The general widths and depths needed to install a double wall oven will usually remain the same as single wall ovens, but the height can vary. Here are some typical ranges of double wall oven cutout dimensions:

    30-inch wall ovens:

    • Cutout Height: 50¼ - 51-13/16 inches tall

    • Cutout Width: 28½ - 28⅝ inches wide

    • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 23½ - 24 inches deep

    • Cabinet Size: approximately 33 inches wide

    27-inch wall ovens:

    • Cutout Height: 50¼ inches tall

    • Cutout Width: 25¼ - 25½ inches wide

    • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 23½ - 24 inches deep

    • Cabinet Size: approximately 30 inches wide

    24-inch wall ovens:

    • Cutout Height: 49¾ inches tall

    • Cutout Width: 22-1/16 - 22⅝ inches wide

    • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 22¼ - 23½ inches deep

    • Cabinet Size: approximately 27 inches wide

      Oven and microwave combo
      Built In Microwave Oven combo

      Wall oven microwave combo cutout dimensions

      Again, general widths and depths needed to install combination wall ovens are usually the same as double or single wall ovens. The height required for a combo wall oven installation will vary depending on the capacities of the oven and microwave. Here are some common wall oven combo cutout heights:

    • 30-inch wall ovens:

      • Cutout Height: 41-5/16 - 43-7/16 inches

      • Cutout Width: 28½ - 28⅝ inches wide

      • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 23½ - 24 inches deep

      • Cabinet Size: approximately 33 inches wide

      27-inch wall ovens:

      • Cutout Height: 41⅛ - 41-5/16 inches

      • Cutout Width: 25¼ - 25½ inches wide

      • Cutout Depth, excluding door frames and handles: 23½ - 24 inches deep

      • Cabinet Size: approximately 30 inches wide

        How do I measure my current wall oven cutout dimensions?

        Step 1: Remove your current wall oven

        If your current wall oven is still installed in your cutout or cabinet, remove it so you can measure the space. This will ensure you get the most accurate measurements.

        Step 2: Measure the standard wall oven cutout width

        Standard wall oven sizes are 24, 27 or 30 inches wide. Measure the width of the cutout from the left inside cabinet edge to the right inside cabinet edge using a measuring tape to determine what size appliance will fit.

        Step 3: Measure the wall oven cutout depth

        Measure from the wall to the front of the cabinet face, excluding the cabinet door to record your wall oven cutout depth. Most standard cabinets are 24 inches deep.

        Step 4: Measure the oven cutout height

        Measure from the top of the cutout opening to the bottom to record the height of your wall oven cutout. The height will vary significantly between a single wall oven and a double wall oven.



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